Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Book 1: Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden

'Memoirs of a Geisha' by Arthur Golden is an enchanting story which follows the life of a beautiful, young Japanese girl named Chiyo in her quest to become a geisha. The story begins in 1929 in Chiyo's birth town of Yoroido, a small fishing village on the Sea of Japan. Chiyo lives here until the age of nine, with her mother, father and sister Satsu in a little 'tipsy house' on the cliffs. Everything is normal is Chiyo's life, until one day she and her sister are bought by Mr Tanaka and taken by train to Kyoto. Once in Kyoto, Chiyo is sold to a renowned geisha house in Gion and is separated from her sister, who is later to be found working as a prostitute. To begin with Chiyo hates the idea of becoming a geisha and is tormented by Hatsumomo, the other geisha in the house. Chiyo rebels and tries to escape Gion with her sister but is unsuccessful, and as punishment she is told she can never be a geisha and must work as a maid instead. During this time she is constantly humiliated by Hatsumomo and looses touch with her only friend Pumpkin and her sister, as well as finding out that her parents are dead. Alone in the world and feeling as though she cannot carry on, Chiyo meets a kind man by the banks of the river who restores her faith in humanity and love. Spurred on by this man's warmth, Chiyo vows she will become a successful geisha and find this man again to repay him for his kindness. The story continues with Chiyo's mission to become a geisha, following her life through her training and apprenticeship, the auctioning of her virginity for a record price, the lavish parties she attends, and to her search for a 'Danna', a rich patron who will pay for her geisha lessons and her daily upkeep. Throughout this time Chiyo is searching for the man she was comforted by on the banks of the river and dreams of telling him how much he means to her. One day she finally meets the man again, but can she tell him how she feels when she finds out it is his best friend who finds her attractive and that the man she wants to be with doesn't even seem to notice her.The story is told through the eyes of Chiyo, who later becomes known as Sayuri when she becomes a geisha. Through her vivid descriptions and explanations of her life in Gion, the reader is transported to a faraway world and we learn about living the life of a geisha and the rigorous training and customs they must follow. There are many rules and procedures that must be followed in order to become a successful geisha, and the competition is fierce between the geisha. Just as Sayuri is settling into her new life as a geisha the Second World War strikes Japan and Sayuri finds she must reinvent herself once again.

>>a very inspiring novel!!! =)


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